Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Phew - I tried really hard to force myself to put up a proper post. But I am now really jetlagged (yeah, I have decided to give a posh name to ordinary tiredness because I returned from a timezone which is three whole hours ahead - hehehehe ;-)) and sleepy. So this post is just a filler so that my blog does not feel too neglected :-)!

In the meantime, I am glad to announce that I am now a New York City certified driver :-D. Our route to Atlantic City unexpectedly took us right through the heart of NYC downtown, where, obviously, we got hopelessly lost. Yours truly was the driver and I managed to agressively compete with the aggressive NYC drivers (and got no honks or middle fingers) - yaaay :-D! My friends were totally impressed and tried to persuade me to do all the driving for the rest of the trip. Hahahaha - nice try!

But yeah, I drove in NYC - my achievement for the week!


Archana Bahuguna said...

Welcome back! NYC traffic is like Delhi traffic, no tameez for pedestrians , no tameez at all! I am more used to that though :-) :-) Hope you had a great weekend!

BZ said...

Yaay! :--D NYC has crazy traffic.

You managed to stay up late (until 11:20 PM PST, your post says so) inspite of travelling from EST! Now that sure is an achievement. :--)

Looking forward to the travelogue, as usual ;-)

dinesh said...

NYC and Atlantic city ?

Wow..that's exactly whai I did for the long weekend as well !

Floridora said...

Hey! You were in my old stomping ground. Hope you drove by the Colgate Palmolive Building and gave a salute to my memories.

kuttichuvaru said...

aaha, NYC is crazy traffic.... n u made it through!! tats gud!!

Prabhu said...

LOL :)
Out of the blue after looking at the picture, I remembered ur piano instructor's comments --"You have nice long fingers dear, suitable for the piano - ding ding dong dong"

And ya, would wait for the travelogue!!

Anonymous said...

okk. so NY has crazy traffic. what about indian cities?

Archana said...

Archana - thank you :-)! LOL @ Delhi traffic description :-). I had a wonderful weekend - how was yours?

Saranya - I was chatting with my mom - so was awake inspite of feeling sleepy :-)!

Dinesh - oh cool! When did you go to Atlantic city? I went to DC too - did you go there too :-)?

Floridora - No, I didn't dpot the building - I would have done so had I known earlier ;-)!

Kuttichuvaru - yeah, I know!

Prabhu - LOL - I don't know - of late my fingers appear LONG in many pictures. Maybe they are growing :-O!

Spark - I haven't driven much in Indian cities - so can't comment :-)!

Vinesh said...

Congrats on managing the drive on a crazy road!!

dinesh said...

No DC. Friends from DC had come over to NJ. So I drove them to NYC and AC. Yeah driving in NY is crazy, but for some reason when I drive in NYC, I drive like one of them. Initially I was intimidated. But these days, I become crazy like them too. So if you saw a crazy desi, driving like a maniac in NYC, it was probably me :)

I was in AC on monday evening till the early hours of tuesday. Whcih casino/s did you go to ? We were in Tropicana and later in Showboat.

Sayesha said...

You drove in NYC. You drove in NYC????????????? :O :O :O

I bow to thee, o princess! :D

Prasanna said...

Hey welcome back dude! was missing ur posts...

Anonymous said...

Driving achievement indeed. This may or maynot interest you but what drives you is equally if not more important. Make your passion your profession

Archana said...

Vinesh - thank you :-)!

Dinesh - ohh, so u too are among the luminaries who contribute to the reckless NY traffic :-P! But yeah, you need to be aggressive or ppl will honk you out of sight! I went to AC on Sat eve and returned on Sun noon - went to Trump Taj Mahal - otherwise just walked the entire length of boardwalk!

Sayesha - thank you, thank you :-)! You may now raise ;-P! BTW, following ur suggestion of being a leetle honest, I finished ur survey ;-D!

Prasanna - thank you :-D!

Hiren - okie, will check it out!